07 November 2006


I've managed (for someone with some crazy politics) to stay pretty politically neutral on this blog. But I did just want t send out a reminder -- no matter your politics, don't forget to vote today. Change starts at home, real action takes place locally. Make a difference and make yourself heard.

Today I start my trip north. No knitting content today, but I will leave you with another anniversary. A year ago, I found these cute fuzzies in the middle of the road (weren't they so tiny?). Can't imagine life with out them.

Happy Acquiriversary, Hank and Phoebe!


Leah said...

Aw! Super sweet kittie picutes!! :)

Chris said...

I'm voting after work!!

I LOVE the kitten pictures! They were so sweet... Have a good trip!

mrspao said...

They are so beautiful!!! I'm going to have to see what they are like now.

melissa said...

happy election day! i mailed in my ballot last week. :)

cute kitty pictures - you sure were having an exciting time this time last year, weren't you - new home, new cats!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe someone would leave them out in the road, but maybe it was just the fates directing them to your doorstep.

But I don't see how anyone could see their cute faces and not want to pick them up and cuddle them.